
Capital Gains Taxes and Real Corporate Investment: Evidence from Korea

American Economic Review, 112(8): 2669-2700, 2022

[Online Appendix] [Replication Package] [Pre-Publication Version]

National Tax Association Dissertation Award Honorable Mention (2019) Best Paper Award at Oxford Centre for Business Taxation Doctoral Conference (2018)

The Rise of a Network: Spillover of Political Patronage and Cronyism to the Private Sector (with David Schoenherr)

Journal of Financial Economics, 145(3): 970-1005, 2022

[Pre-Publication Version]

Best Paper Award at Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (2019)

Working Papers

Startup Growth and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Korea (with Jungmin Lee and Soomi Na)

Manufacturing Investment and Employee Earnings: Evidence from Accelerated Depreciation (with Yige Duan)

Corporate Tax Cuts and Worker Earnings: Evidence from Small Businesses (with Yige Duan)

Best Paper Award at Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (2022)

Job Transitions and Employee Earnings After Acquisitions: Linking Corporate and Worker Outcomes (with David Arnold, Kevin Milligan & Amirhossein Tavakoli)

Corporate Acquisitions, Profitability, and Markup: Evidence from Europe (with David Arnold & Amirhossein Tavakoli)

Access to Local Amenity and Housing Prices